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Pre-Scholar Academies for Rising 8th and 9th Graders 
Pre-Scholars are current 7th & 8th graders during the 2023-2024 academic year.
These students are also considered rising 8th and rising 9th graders given they will enter 8th or 9th grade in the fall of 2024.

Junior Achievers Academy

The Junior Achievers Academy is an honors program for high-achieving students entering eighth grade (current 7th graders). The curriculum is designed to maintain interest, focus on participants’ scholarship and strengthen their self-esteem. Cooperation and collective problem-solving are highlighted in all courses. Concrete and practical problem-solving exercises are emphasized across the curriculum. Additionally, each academy may feature at least one online course for students to experience. This academy may include at least one online course. The curriculum may consist of the following courses:

  1. Critical Reading
  2. Mathematical Logic
  3. Effective Writing

View sample Junior Achievers Class schedule*: 

Fellows Academy (Rising 9th Graders)

The Fellows Academy is an honors program for high-achieving students entering ninth grade (current eighth graders). The curriculum is designed to develop effective writing skills, study habits, and logic as well as mathematics and cultural awareness. Cooperation and collective problem solving are highlighted in all courses. The development of analytical skills is emphasized across the curriculum. Additionally, each academy may feature at least one online course for students to experience. The curriculum may consist of the following courses:

  1. Effective Writing
  2. Mathematical Reasoning
  3. Introductory Analysis: Contemporary Issues in African American Lives

View sample Fellows Academy class schedule*:

Scholar Academies for Rising 10th, 11th & 12th Graders 

Scholars are current 9th, 10th & 11th graders during the 2023-2024 academic year.
These students are also considered rising 10th, rising 11th, and rising 12th graders given they will enter 10th, 11th or 12th grade in the fall of 2024.

Engineering Academy 

The Engineering Academy aims to stimulate interest among participants in careers in Engineering. The curriculum includes integral courses on advanced mathematics and physics principles. These courses also incorporate analytical thinking, and cooperative problem-solving strategies. Additionally, each academy may feature at least one online course for students to experience. These engineering-geared courses may include:

  1. Intro to Engineering
  2. Math Modeling
  3. Physics

View sample Engineering Academy class schedule*:

Leadership Academy 

The Leadership Academy aims to nurture the development of leaders/scholars in the social sciences and humanities. Important issues highlighted in these courses include the examination of social problems, public policy, and social theory. Self-knowledge, analytical thinking, and cooperative problem-solving are also emphasized. Additionally, each academy may feature at least one online course for students to experience. Courses offered to students enrolled in this academy may include:

  1. Seminar on W.E.B. Du Bois
  2. Race & Social Stratification
  3. Contemporary Issues in the Middle East

View sample Leadership Academy class schedule*:

Pre-Med/Biological Sciences Academy

The Pre-Med/Biological Sciences Academy aims to facilitate the development of a cohort of well-rounded scientists and researchers in the traditional fields of science, medicine, and information-driven technology. The curriculum emphasizes the interconnectedness between scientific, mathematic, and technological problem-solving strategies in a variety of situations. Additionally, each academy may feature at least one online course for students to experience. The Pre-Med/Biological Sciences Academy is a popular academy for students desiring to focus on the sciences and medicine in college and professionally. The science curriculum may include the following courses:

  1. Anatomy & Physiology
  2. Intro to Neuroscience
  3. Molecular Biology

View sample Pre-Med/Biological Sciences Academy class schedule*:

Talented Tenth Academy (For 2nd Year Du Bois Scholars)

The Talented Tenth Academy provides advanced training aimed to refine the leadership and scholarship skills of participants. It is comprised only of second-year Du Bois Scholars who fulfilled requirements in one of the previously referenced academies. Courses introduce students to various models for addressing local, national, and international social issues. Students examine various leadership and conflict management strategies. Additionally, each academy may feature at least one online course for students to experience. The curriculum offered to selected students in this academy may include:

  1. Scholarly Inquiry
  2. Leadership Typologies
  3. Contemporary Global Issues

View sample Talented Tenth Academy class schedule*:


*All schedules are samples only and subject to minor modifications

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